How long have you had your favorite pair of blue jeans?
I have had my favorite air of jeans for almost 2 years. I bought them on December 26, 2009. My mom knew I needed a new laptop, but couldn't afford to buy me the one I wanted. Instead, she bought me a camera I already owned. That way I could return it and use that money to go towards my laptop. She just wanted me to have an actual gift to open Christmas morning.
We went to Best Buy, returned the camera, and she helped me pick out my laptop. Afterwards, she wanted to go to Old Navy. She was going on a mission trip to Mexico as part off her seminary coursework that January and she wanted to pick up a few things.
Old Navy had their jeans on sale for $15. Mom and I both bought a pair. I never should have bought the ones I did. They were way too tight (the right size but a slim cut), but I loved them. After wearing them a few times, I knew I was self conscious in them, and for a long time I never wore them. Now, they are too big, but aside from the pair I just bought, they are the only ones that sort of fit.
Every time I wear them, I remember that shopping trip and how much fun we had that day.