Dreams Revisited

It is late registration time, and of course that means my life is crazier than usual. One side effect of this is the return of the weird and disturbing dreams.

So I am working 70 hours a week, and not sleeping.

This is a bad combo.


Even when I do crash and burn (aka Sunday), I still only sleep for short periods of time. That is a major issue at times, but I try to just keep going. I've belabored the why me's of this and the being annoyed. Now I'm just going to run with it. It is time to track and try to make sense of this low grade madness.

These dreams usually involve:

  1. People from my past
  2. A fiction piece I am working on
  3. People I know but totally bizarre situations.
  4. Bad things happening…sometimes tragic sometimes just odd
  5. They are so real I'm disappointed when I wake up.


Seriously, deciding to buy a truck on my way to work, somehow thinking I didn't have to be at work until 1, so I don't call to tell them I am late, and then losing my job isn't nice. Seeing people again that I would give anything to have back in my life only to wake up to see it was just a dream is rough. Sometimes the dreams are dark to the point where I am afraid to close my eyes. Now it is time to keep track of them and if it is noteworthy enough put it to blog.

It should be interesting to see how this goes. I'm hoping to learn a little and maybe get some good writing out of it.


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