With the regular television season almost over…what will you watch?

With season finales upon us, we venture into the summer television season. The summer season used to be a virtual wasteland of reruns, made for TV movies and other not so fun moments. Admittedly, network television doesn't do much better in this area now. Although, my Scrubs addiction we sparked by watching reruns over the summer, it isn't the same.

Yes some network channels try new programming. However, in most cases I'm just not interested. Cable programming is usually what gets attention from my DVR. What shows get your attention in the off season? What shows tend to get your attention? Will you watch television at all? In a time where I know I would rather enjoy being outside and being with my friends, I know I am pretty selective. Even if it is something I record and "watch" while I work, I want to be sure it is worth my time.


This off season I will be recording:

  1. My Boys: Because I am constantly having moments where I am relating to PJ….like the better part of this weekend.
  2. In Plain Sight: Mary's mom and sister usually just annoy me. I get why they are there, but seriously they get old fast. I'm already over the "new character" they introduced tonight. However, Mary and Marshall keep me tuned in every week.
  3. TrueBlood: I'm interested to see what they will do in the new season. It should be interesting to see what they keep from the book and what they change.
  4. Law and Order: Criminal Intent: Okay I know I shouldn't like this show at all. However, it is like a train wreck…I can't help myself. The crazier Goren gets the more he annoys me, but I can't look away. I'm not a fan of the "other" partners. Really I have nothing against the actress that plays Wheeler, nor do I have a reason for not liking Christopher Noth. However, it isn't the same kind of bad drama I can't seem to turn away from.
  5. The Unusuals: I'm not sure how I feel about this show yet. It seems like something I would like, but I haven't been able to give it enough time to make a final decision…unlike Harper's Island where half of and episode was enough for me. I'm not sure it is all that bad. I just think it was over hyped and it isn't a good march for me.

So do you have a top 5?


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