Rolling With It

This week hasn't been super great...and it is only Tuesday.

So far
1) Our Crock Pot died
2) I ordered a pair of boots, and they sent the wrong size
3) I've been swamped at work. I'm not sure how I am going to get everything that needs done completed before I leave work tomorrow.
4) The second pair of boots I ordered (to replace the ones that were the wrong size) were adorable. Those were not the boots delivered to my house. I don't have time to order new ones
5) The crock pot I ordered to replace the dead one arrived damaged, and I needed to make tonight's dinner in it. I meal prep, so any deviation of the meal plan can be tricky.
6) Tank had surgery about a month ago. The mass was located in his ear and there was nothing to stitch up the wound. Every time the wound is almost healed up, he breaks it open again
7) An impromptu trip to the west side of town last night meant I missed Zumba

FACT: At one point yesterday I may have wanted to sit in the dark, in my pjs with a bowl of microwave popcorn and a 4 pack of Cadbury cream eggs. It wasn't my proudest moment, but I was at that tipping point.

That being said
1) The wrong boots will work for my purposes. They aren't what I wanted, but they will work.
2) The broken part of the crockpot does not mean it won't work, so no dinner plans needed changed.
3) I get to travel for work Thursday and Friday. I'm excited for this opportunity to participate in something new.
4) No school: I'm between quarters so this is the perfect time to be getting caught up on things around the house.

I'd like to think I more or less have broken even. It is okay to talk about the crappy things in our lives. It is even okay to vent about them. However, you can't let those things consume  your life. I'm not saying I always break even. There are days, weeks and even months where I just can't win. It sucks. It does suck a bit less though when I'm not caught up in the negativity.

I'm sure tomorrow will bring a whole new set of challenges. One thing I've learned is sometimes, you just need to learn to roll with the punches. Life is hard. I'm not always going to like the situation or the circumstances I'm in. I have moments where I'm a little stabby. I get overwhelmed. I get stressed out. In the end though, I always find a way to make it work. It may not be easy. It may not even be in the way that is most convenient for me. Sometimes you just need to suck it up, hold on to the items in the win column (even if they are superficial) and wait out the darkness.


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