Odd Timing

I was going to write a different blog today...but some news changed that.

I am doing Relay for Life again this year with Mark's family. Last year I bought Luminarias in memory of my Papaw and in Honor of my Uncle and Godmother. I was going to do it again, but I kept forgetting. Oh, I will do that tomorrow, and then the day would go by and they still were not purchased.

Today, I promised myself it would get done. Today I found out I have one more to buy. Today I found out my friend Laura has breast cancer.

Laura and I are unlikely friends. We grew up in the same town, but we were in very different social circles. She (and her friends) probably thought I was quiet and a bit strange. I thought she and her friends were loud and a bit stuck up (in retrospect some of that was jealousy on my part. They were skinny and popular, I was neither). Bottom line: we were both too busy being stupid teenagers to actually get to know each other. The Christmas after Mom died, Laura reached out to me and we have been friends ever since.

It breaks my heart to know she and her family (she is married with three young children) have to face this battle. If praying is your thing, please send prayers her way. If it isn't good thoughts never hurt either.

She is also a great blogger. If you do not follow her blog, you should. http://publiclookin.blogspot.com/


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