A Lesson in Waiting

Today is one of those days where I feel like I am stuck. Three projects/issues need addressed. I can't do a thing about any of them because I am waiting on other people.

The room we had secured for outcomes testing was accidently  re-purposed. I put in a room request 2 days ago.It wasn't actually assigned to anyone until end of day yesterday. I am still waiting on a response. We have things to change online. Students to contact. Possibly another work order to submit depending on the type of room we get. Things to rework. However, none of it can be done until the rooms are assigned.

Our one vendor (we have been having issues with them for a while now), claimed that 3 invoices we processed haven't been paid. The insert with the statement had bad contact information. I did finally get in touch with the person in charge of our account, and she was supposed to get back to me. That was Monday. I can't do anything about it until I know if the payments were actually never received. So now I wait for a response.

My coworker and I are both taking time off in April. This is fine. We both need it.  The issue is coverage. We will have it, but I don't know who that person will be. Without knowing that, it is really hard to put together an appointment schedule. Our location has 2 full time people, and 1 part time person. The part time person can only work the equivalent of 23 hours per week for the calendar year. Even with banking 2 hours a week, once they work 40 hours a week for midterms and finals, I am out of hours. That means I have to borrow someone from another campus. Depending on who that person is will determine how many appointments and what kind of appointments I will schedule. For now, I just make my best guess and keep things flexible

Basically, I am at the mercy of other people. I don't like it one bit.

The only real solution is to put my big girl panties on and deal with it. These are minor things in the big picture of my life. It is time to be patient, be flexible, and find a way to stand my ground with out being that whiny kid.

That is true in many situations in life. You may know what you want. You may know what you need to do to make it happen. However, it isn't just about you. There are other people with pieces of the puzzle you need to wait for. It sucks, but you can learn quite a bit while waiting if you keep the right mind set. Don't let the frustration win.


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