New Year's Eve

What a difference a year makes. Had you told me a year ago I would be writing this blog from a couch watching children play while my boyfriend plays poker in the kitchen: I wouldn't believe you.

2010 was rough. As we rolled into 2011, I was still reeling from the tornado, losing Mom, and suddenly having my Dad and his care be my number one priority. I had high hopes that the year would be better. I mean it had to be.

Things were looking up. They were still hard. I still felt broken and overwhelmed, but it was getting better. I still felt like I just wasn't getting anywhere or getting what I wanted. I just kept trying to stay patient. Good things had come my way.

Then it happened. Dad went into the hospital just before my birthday.The day before my birthday Dad went to critical care. A week later, we were at Hospice. The sting of Mom's death  was still hard, and now we were starting all over again.

We weren't supposed to lose him so soon, but it happened.

My year could have taken a turn for the worse that weekend. Instead it was a turning point.

Nothing happened right away. Things have been hard and things haven't always gone to plan. However, my patience did pay off. Good things are happening and  I am looking forward to the future.

I am actually looking forward to 2012, and seeing where life goes next.


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