30 Day Challenge: Playing catch up...days 20-23

Due to the birthday and Norm being in the hospital...I fell  little behind.  Here is the catch up blog:

Day 20: Nicknames

  1. Jenni
  2. Jenny (for those who can't spell
  3. Jenni-jen

Day 21: Favorite Picture of yourself ALL TIME Why?

Meh...hate pictures of me. Seriously. 

If I have to pick I guess I'll go with:


Why? I don't know. I guess I sort of like how I look in them as opposed to most other pictures.

Day 22: What's in your car
  1. silver ballet flats
  2. phone charger
  3. sync cord
  4. running shoes
  5. black heels
  6. garbage bag
  7. folding chair
  8. beach towel
  9. 12 pack of diet dr pepper
  10. jumper cables

Day 23: Favorite Movie

Ok...this will be another one where I break the rules:

Muppet Family Christmas

Emperor's New Groove

The Never Ending Story

The Dark Crystal

and of course

Better of Dead

whew...now I think I am all caught up


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