Commitment and Llamas

I blame this post on my sister who recently bought "The Emperor's New Groove" on DVD...and then telling us all about it on Facebook.

She reminded me of the night we (my brother, sister, and my sister's friend/pastor's daughter) went to see it in the theater. The siblings and I are admittedly suckers for *most* Disney movies. I'm pretty sure the whole reason we wanted to see it was  this scene:
Pacha: Uh-oh. 
Kuzco: Don't tell me. We're about to go over a huge waterfall. 
Pacha: Yep. 
Kuzco: Sharp rocks at the bottom? 
Pacha: Most likely. 
Kuzco: Bring it on. 

It sort of mirrored our family's luck and well it is a pretty awesome scene. While I was home for Christmas, we decided we were going to see the movie. Jenn (my sister's friend/pastor's daughter) spent tons of time with us that break, so we invited her to come along. We picked a day and time, and we were ready to go. All week long we looked forward to our movie night. The day finally came. That morning I was so excited when I left for work at 6:00, but when I left work at 3:30, the ice was already starting to fall. 

I went home and asked the rest of them if they still wanted to go. I was still on board. We made a plan. It was the only day we could all go. Why not go for it? I was still committed. We decided to go, and apparently my mom was totally oblivious to the weather conditions as we piled into my Mercury Tracer and headed into Toledo. 

At first, things didn't look so bad. Usually Route 20 is the biggest challenge. If you can make it to 280 you are golden. This time around, it wasn't until we hit 280 that things got really ugly. Amy and Jenn sat in the back seat chatting away as my brother watched me drive in horror. There were tons of cars off the road. There was even a car facing the wrong way on an exit ramp. Still, I we agreed to make this trip, I was not giving up. I might have been panicking on the inside, but I kept it together. By the time I realized it really wasn't worth it, we were past the point of no return. We made it to the theater safely, but I was a wreck by the time we arrived. 

After the movie, the roads were better, but we took our time driving back to BFE. When I returned Jenn to the church, it amused me that her mom was more concerned with how late I kept her out as opposed to the death trap we had to traverse to get to the theater.

Honestly, I should have just cancelled our plans, but we were already committed to them. It may have been just a movie, but it was still a commitment. I believe in following through with what you commit to. It takes quite a bit and/or an extreme change in the circumstances to get me to change my mind. That is why I am careful about what I will sign on for and what I won't sign on for. Maybe I am overly cautious, but I want to make sure that I am doing the right thing. Once you commit to something, at least one other person is counting on you. The last thing I want to do is to let a person down. Being as cautious as me may be overkill, but it is good form to do your homework before making any promises. 

And for the record: The movie was pretty much worth the risk...well that and that my sister and I can text: Llama Face to each other and know what it means.


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