Why I do Web design and Blog at Karaoke Shows

  1. I work for a DJ/Karaoke company. I update their web site so sometimes I just have to work at a show doing pictures and video, and if I'm already working why not do a blog or two
  2. Um people work in coffee shops that have wi fi, how is a bar different?
  3. I need more hours in a day…I've been known to blog from my phone while actually *running* a show to meet a deadline
  4. They frown on me blogging and writing at my full time job for very obvious reasons. This is something I need to be doing on my own time.
  5. Sometimes writing for hours on end on my couch with moody cockatiels and psychotic parakeets gets a little old. I want to have a little denial that I am a crazy bird lady.
  6. Mo's actually has a little room just off the DJ booth where I can work pretty much undisturbed the whole night.
  7. I've tried to get the birds to run the home business in my absence, but they are just lazy
  8. I seriously get bored way too easily and I start thinking about all the other things I should be doing. This eliminates that.
  9. Fine…I just like making myself look halfway decent and enjoying time out
  10. It is actually a great way to network…I've actually made 2 business contacts already this evening



So maybe I am a karaoke junkie…but multi tasking works in my favor


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