What can my living room tell you

My apartment is tiny. It may be a shoe box, but it is all mine. I used to think my bedroom was my favorite room. It is my sanctuary and the only place I can be totally alone. However, the place where I spend most of my time and really captures me is my living room.

When I moved into this apartment, I had an exact idea of how I wanted it laid out. I hated my living room in my old apartment, and I wanted an extreme change. I wanted it to be more open and inviting.

My couch and love seat are ugly hand me downs, but they work. The love seat is actually really comfortable. I do most of my work from home sitting there. That isn't what make it my favorite room. it is the other things that make it special. First, it is where I keep my birds. These little guys are like my kids. I love having them out while I am home. I keep them in the living room because parakeets and cockatiels are very social birds. They like being in high traffic areas. I am the alpha bird of their flock! While they sometimes drive me crazy, I love being around them

The other reason I love this room is that it shows my personality. It has my Wii and my DVD collection. I can display my antiques including my Haviland china and Japanese Geisha China. Anywhere I sit, I can see things I treasure and that I think tell a great deal about me.


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