A New Series: What’s your life soundtrack?

I've always thought that each person has a "life soundtrack." We have songs that identify us, we relate to, and are a true back drop to our lives. Some songs are constant anthems. Other songs come and go as we transition through the stages of our life.

I have my constant Benchmark Songs: Nine Days—Absolutely

Guster -- Either Way

Jessica Andrews – Who I Am

Both songs are ones I will always be happy to put on repeat until the birds can sing along. These songs are me at the core. No matter what is going on with me, these are real indicators of my true self.

Then there are the other songs. These are the ones that can change daily, weekly, by the minute…you get the picture. They are more reflective of the things that come and go. They are the pain, love, joy, loss, laughter, and all your other emotions. They are the songs that evoke memories of times past.


I had this whole idea of creating a "my soundtrack" list. However, I realized that was almost impossible. By the time I came up with enough songs to make it worth while, the moment would have passed. The whole list will never be constant. Instead, I'm thinking a mini blog series is in order. I'm envisioning more of a song or song of the moment type thing. You know just the song, artist and a little about why it works. Is it the lyrics, the feel of the song, or actual musical elements.

So be ready for the music…it is time for me to get back to my own passions.


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