Laughing Is Good

After the all the daily drama,there are a few things that make me take a minute, laugh and take a bit of a mental break.Sometimes that is all you need: A little moment that reminds you to not take life so seriously. The past few weeks have been pretty classic, but here are the highlights.

Last week I was at the laundromat. I try to go to on Wednesday nights because it is much less crowded then. Don't get me wrong, people watching there teaches me volumes. However, many nights I just want in and out of there. I don't want to wait on machines, deal with crowds, or get my feet ran over by a kid pushing one of those baskets. Last Wednesday seemed perfect. I arrived to an empty laundomat, loaded the $6 industrial washer and ran up the road to pick up some things for my Bashful Bunny. I returned just as my washer cycle was winding down. As I pulled into my parking spot I saw a woman dragging one of those large garbage cans on wheels through the door. She went over to the triple loader washers, and I waited for my washer to stop spinning. I moved some of my laundry to the dryer and I took the rest of it over to the tables. The woman seemed to not care I was there, and I was good with that. I was not in the mood to cough up awkward conversation. As I was hanging up my wet clothes, I noticed she was wearing those yellow latex gloves. Yeah those gloves people wear to clean. That seems strange to me on a few fronts. I mean if there is something in that garbage can that is possibly contagious I kind of wish she would have mentioned that. Then it occurs to me that she might just be OCD, and choose to leave it alone. If she is avoiding contact with something I want to get out of there pretty quickly. If she is just OCD, she doesn't need a gawker, and I have already been rude enough. I take the clothes I am air drying to my car, and as I am coming back in I see that I forgot my detergent over by the washer. I went to collect it and put my hand in a stream of liquid detergent. No worries. I head to the restroom in the middle of the laundromat to wash my hand and clean the bottle. The door is open the whole time, and the lady in the gloves is just around the corner. When I went to return to my dryers, the gloved lady corners me next to the change machine. She starts lecturing me about using public toilets and all the diseases I could be exposing myself to. I try to explain that I just was washing off the detergent, but she's not listening. I let her finish her rant, thank her and excuse myself to get my clothes out of the dryer.

The woman was harmless. My biggest worry was an allergic reaction to her latex gloves. Even that was pretty slim. She was just a concerned woman...okay who may have been a little off. Still she made me laugh...on the inside and the later on the outside.

Next we have my slasher movie(or worse Crow Sequel) moment of the week.I blame watching The Crow: Salvation this weekend for putting me in this frame of mind. I went to pick up some testing materials out at our East Washington Center. I had never been there before, but I pretty much knew how to get there. I find the building and the fenced in parking lot. Ok things are good.I can't go through the back shop door, so I go to the front of the building. I know I saw double doors as I passed the building. When I arrived at the doors, there was a sign that said the building's main entrance was the west entrance. I followed the arrows and found the west entrance down the alley and up a flight of stairs.

Yes I am standing there trying to figure out why a Community College would have the main entrance to one of their buildings down a dark alley. The neighborhood isn't great to start will. I didn't feel scared for my life walking around in broad daylight. However, it was 12:30 p.m. and that alley already looked creepy. It was dark, narrow and topped off my a rusty chain linked fence just beyond the stairwell. My gut reaction was to take a picture. One it would have been a great creepy shot. Two it would be great reference for a dark and scary place for a story or script. I just couldn't understand why they would make that the main enterence when there was a perfectly good one in a well lit area on Washington Street. Had it been night time I probably would have been scared, but it was daytime so I could just enjoy the humor. This place is exactly where you expect some B horror movie killer to strike. I also know if I ever film a slasher movie locally, that alley will so be
a shooting location.

Finally, we have the rotating door of Twitter friends. If I follow you on Twitter, it is because I find value in your tweets...even if it is just a needed laugh on a bad day. If you don't follow me back, so be it. I'm sure you have your reasons. If you follow me (not a follow back...but you just follow me), I will check out your profile, see if you are a spammer, and if not see if I want to follow you back. I honestly follow most nonspammers, overtly creepy or just not me followers back. I use my best judgement, and I also figure if I see red flags later I can unfollow and if needed block you. Sometimes, I need some time to gauge your tweets, so I may not follow you right away. The thing that cracks me up is the high school like behavior. If you don't like me because I do not follow you back, you are not hurting my feelings by unfollowing me. Really, I'm not obsessive about my follower count. If I don't follow you back within 12-24 hours, and you unfollow me before I make my final choice, That is on you. The ones that really are hilarious are the people who keep changing their minds. They follow me, and then decide not to. Then they suddenly have a change of heart and follow me again. Some of these are people who I have not had time to follow back, or I have followed back. Honestly, aside from the humor this is a quick way to get me to not follow you or to unfollow you. It is still pretty funny though.It is so high school!

What have you witness this week that gave you a good laugh?


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