How Do I Dress to Impress?

My idea of dress to impress varies by my situation. Sometimes sucking it up and dressing in a way I don't like has to happen. Other times, just being me is enough.

D.i.y. My Little Pony Corset

If I am going on an interview, I wear a nice dress or skirt and jacket. I want my look to be polished, and I want to make a good impression. Really, I am selling my work. In a perfect world that would be all I needed and my appearance would not be a factor. However, that is not a case. if I want them to take me and and my work seriously, I need to show them I can deliver the whole package.

Now if I am dressing to impress socially, I will wear something that is totally me. It may be a graphic t-shirt. It might be a corset. It might be a tank top and a sweater. Usually it is pair with jeans. Really it depends on where I am going and my mood. Off the clock, I am just going to be me. I get that I am going to be judged by my appearance. that is just how life works. However, I've discovered changing to appease someone never turns out well. I had to go blonde and hate it to completely grasp that one. I prefer not to go down that path again.


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