We all have our addictions

My addiction of choice is caffeine. I make no apologies for this. Without it I have awful headaches and some days I can barely function, While I am not nearly as dependent as I used to be, my need for diet dr pepper is still strong.

Diet Dr. Pepper Takes More Like Regular Dr. Pepper by chriscoyier

We really did drink pop in my house as kids. We drank lots of water and kool aid. It wasn't until high school that my addiction started. Even in junior high, I started to pick up a can of dr pepper in the vending machine at school. I was already starting to add on activities. By the end of the school day I needed a little pick me up.

Really, that is all it was until I started working at the nursing home. Again, my consumption went up as I would get a dr pepper at my break. Then I started working days. Being at work at 6:30 a.m. was rough. i could not stand the smell let alone the taste of coffee. I needed something to get me going in the morning. Soon I was up to at least four cans a day.

You see during the week I went to school, went to after school meetings, flute lessons etc. After that I had three options: go to work, band, or ballet. After that, if I didn't have another school or church related thing, I went home, did my homework and then squeezed in few hours of sleep before getting up to start all over again. I worked pretty much every Saturday I didn't have a school event and I worked every other Sunday.

College didn't help. I basically kept that same kind of running non stop schedule. Even during the summer, I worked 40-60 hours a week, I was working double shifts and trying to earn as much money as I could.

After college hasn't been much better. However, I have managed to switch to diet and I have cut back considerably. I am pretty good most days, but I have my moments. You can usually judge my day by how many cans or bottles are in the garbage can.

I don't know if I will ever be able to fully give it up.


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