Want to get on my good side? Bring me Ghiradelli chocolate

I can be good about my diet. I usually just do not buy the items that I know I cannot be trusted around. However, on really bad days, a trip to Target is needed to pick up the one thing that can make my day feel a little better.

present2 by Anyaka

My weakness is Ghiradelli Chocolate. I love the hot fudge. If I am in a city where there is a Ghiradelli store I am so there. Since there is not one in Indianapolis, I have to settle for the the squares and bars instead. My favorites are the caramel filled ones, but the new peanut butter ones are at the top of the list too.

I know chocolate is chocolate, but there is something about the way it tastes. It isn't exactly a high end brand, but it still makes me happier than plan old Hersheys does.


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