I prefer my news from a URL

When I was in high school, I wanted to be a journalist. I had dreams of my work being in print an working my way up at one of the big newspapers. Now I am just shy of 30, and newspapers are on the endangered species list. I'm grateful to the Eastern Echo. Their negative press about the Marching Band (yes I know I'm lame...but the misinformation they printed made me mad),and the horribly insensitive article they wrote after one of our saxophone players died on his way to the Homecoming Game made me walk away from print news media.

I had my employment card filled out, and I was all ready to work for them. I had even been by the office a few times to see if they had any stories I was interested in. Their biased and unprofessional article made me walk away. Instead I found new life in electronic media. Now, electronic media is how I prefer to get my news.

I spend most of my day in front of a computer. When the TV is on, it is mainly for background noise. I have a few select shows I actually do watch, but really I am a television snob.

I know as a former media student I should not say this but most newscasts bore me. I want access to the information I want in a timely matter. I don't want to watch a whole news cast for the one story I want to see. I like being able to go to a web site and to read about or even see video on the stories that matter to me.

I probably get most of my news from CNN.com. I check the site out at least three times a day. I also check out a local station website, and I keep an eye on Twitter for interesting and pertinent stories.

I am sad to see print news fade into extinction. What else am I going to line the bottom of my bird cages with? Okay, seriously it is odd to see something that I had envisioned being my career as a child become obsolete before I am 35.


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