Happy New Year

Well the new year is here and it is a new and exciting time for me. There is a a great deal of work that has to be done. Sometimes I think I am crazy for taking on this all on, but I think that this is a good time to keep working and expanding my portfolio.

I do admit that between my real job, helping out my friend with his karaoke business, and some majorly huge amounts of writers block, I've been pretty quiet lately, but that is going to change! For a long time I was just totally uninspired. Nothing was wrong, and it wasn't like I was going through some awful drama, I just had nothing to write about. Blogs weren't happening, my fiction work went nowhere, and I just didn't feel like finding article work. No matter how hard I tried, it just didn't happen. I have no real explanation for it. I mean when I'm busy and more stressed, generally I'm more creative. My paid work might falter, but my fiction work flourishes. This time it brought everything to grinding halt. When I'm totally blocked up, I can usually list a cause, but this time I'm really at a loss. Like I said...everything was going fine! Maybe I was just burned out from writing to pay for my vacation?? Yeah it is a reach, but eh it is what I have going right now.

Right now we have some new and old things on the Horizon

1) Demand Studios has completed a huge amount of changes...I'm looking forward to working with them more soon

2) Associated Content: I'm starting to warm to them again. I'm not sure if I will ever be a big cheerleader for them again, but they give me steady work and pay by I've written more for them, and you can see it on my AC Profile

3) My primary blog is going to be on Red Gage. I like my common sense police blog, but I'm more into Red Gage! Plus I can also showcase my photos and videos too..so it wins. You can see that on my Red Gage Profile

4) The travel blog will once again rise from the ashes. It has suffered the most from this writers block, and I intend to right that wrong. Give me some time and I will get things in order! I have a great post on Air Tran and some more cruising advice.

5) Of course, there is still the monthly feature at Rain Tiger

6) And the weekly one at CultureFeast

7) I'm hoping to start working with some other sites soon...so keep checking back. I never know when another opportunity will come along

8) The Fiction piece is coming along well. I'm working on making some needed adjustments and filling in the gaps I've made as I have written the story in phases. things I write when I am in one mood and sound ingenious sometimes end up just reading as trite, over reaching, totally unrealistic, or just bring too much drama. I have to fix those things. Then I also end up writing some really great things, but now I have to make them all connect and work. Somethings are really great and well written, but if I can't make them work I'm sort of stuck. Usually I save those pieces for later works.

That is about it for now...hopefully I will have more to report in comings days and weeks.


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