Writing Update

We are officially over 50,000 Page Views on Associated Content. There were a few glitches this month that lowered the over all Page Views, but I am still happy to have reached this Benchmark considering how few articles I have been putting up this month. The focus really has been on the novel and on promoting the material I already have out there. Still 400 page views in 3 days is nothing to be balk at considering I writing and promoting only happens when the full time and the teaching jobs allow.

I may have found an interested publisher for the new novel. The are called Atelier Press, LLC. The are a new, smaller press, but still I think that their vision and my writing may be a good match. Now the catch is I need to haul arse and get the new novel finished. NO I’m not sure how I am going to make the time…and do the regular jobs and all the other writing work, but I’m sure I will figure something out. I did move into the organizational piece last night. I have pages and pages of notes. Some of them are exactly how I want to use them. Others are just raw ideas I have to develop. Last night I set up an outline of sorts. I know I will have at least fifteen chapters. Right now I plan on rotating the point of view between Kori and Jacob per chapter (Chapter 1: Kori, chapter 2: Jacob), much like I did with Kristina and Brandon is Life Jump Started. From a research stand point, I’m not sure where I want Kori to live, I know Jacob is going to life in Nob Hill or Pac. Heights. Kristina and Brandon lived there, so I have plenty of neighborhood research done for that. I’m thinking of having her live in the Haight area. If she met Jacob right after she graduated it would make sense. Living in that neighborhood would put her close to two campuses. As of right now I still have her living in that same apartment. Plus the bar I am having them initially meet at and is her regular hang out it is in the heart of Haight Asbury. Well as of right now. I am considering moving it, but I’m not sure to where. Okay really I will end up not moving it. It will stay at the current location…it is a fictional place so I can take some creative liberties.

Now that the outline is in place I need to start organizing my notes and figuring out where the initial holes are. Once all of that is ironed out, I will be ready to move forward with the rough draft. Maybe I’ll find the time over the weekend? I’m already plotting an article about planning your first business trip, and possibly one on dealing with house guests, but every time I sit down to work on these, I’ just can’t stay focused.

I have been publishing through lulu. I do like the publisher and they pay quite fairly, but I need help with the promoting side. Plus if I want my books to be in bookstores, I can with lulu, but I have to pay all the upfront costs. That means my content is available online through their site, but nowhere else. Plus I have to do all my own promotion…and while I can write one heck of a press release it can get a bit crazy having to do all the leg work. If you not checked the novel and novella out, here is the link: http://stores.lulu.com/jennlee3741


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